A Thank You To Our Health Care Heroes

A Thank You To Our Health Care Heroes

A Thank You To Our Health Care Heroes. Mobile Image

May 21, 2020



We want to send a HUGE thank you to our Health Care Worker Brides who have served our community and yours during this time and will continue to. We want to do something to give back, so we are going to be offering our Health Care worker brides a few special promotions from our designers here at The White Dress by the shore, to help those who have helped all in need.



20% off Blue Willow by Anne Barge wedding gowns for their Health Care Heroes Program.  (See below for details)




Just a little way to say thank you, because we truly cannot thank you enough for all that you have done.  Request an appointment here to take advantage of these promotions!

If you are working directly with COVID patients or your current schedules do not align with ours we would be happy to start with a virtual appointment and then schedule an in-person appointment when the time is right!


**All Health Care workers must present their work badge or proof of Health Care work to take advantage of these promotions!**


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Email- info@thewhitedressbytheshore.com

Text- 860.552.2054

Call-  860.669.4596

DM- @thewhitedress


We cannot wait to thank you in person.

xo, The TWD Lovelies


Cover Image and top image: Jennifer Conti Photography

Anne Barge graphic: from Anne Barge