xoxo, TWD
Introducing the Lace Factory and Ivy and Aster
Introducing the Lace Factory and Ivy and Aster
Jun 02, 2011
 We were thrilled to be asked to participate in the Grand Opening Celebration for the Lace Factory, a newly renovated venue in Deep River, Connecticut.  The historic Lace Factory reopened its doors on May 4th after being renovated, renewed, and refreshed by Cloud Nine Caterers. Itâs a unique and industrial styled space in the quaint town of Deep Riverâ located directly across from the antique Essex Steam Train (which you can rent to escort your guests to the venue!)Â
We felt that the rustic chic surroundings were the perfect place to launch Ivy and Aster, a new bridal line that we will introducing at a trunk show June 23rd -25th. Ivy and Aster's gowns have an air of of romance and a dash of whimsy- the ideal look for a venue like the Lace Factory.
Cloud Nine Caterers, along with Jubilee Events, Ryan Design and Datura: a modern garden, put together an evening of local food, delicious cocktails, good music, and unique ambiance. All of the fabulous details were captured by Carla Ten Eyck.
The event was sponsored by Bliss Celebrations, a stunning new publication that will also be sponsoring our Ivy and Aster  bridal and maids trunk show that runs June 23rd - 25th. Ring us at 860.669.4596 for an appointment!