Nov 14: Baubles, Veils and Cocktails Event Featuring Aquinnah Jewelry {10% off All Accessories}

Nov 14: Baubles, Veils and Cocktails Event Featuring Aquinnah Jewelry {10% off All Accessories}

Nov 14: Baubles, Veils and Cocktails Event Featuring Aquinnah Jewelry {10% off All Accessories}. Mobile Image

Oct 28, 2013

It's no secret that we love to accessories our brides! Whether your wedding is far off or quickly approaching you cannot miss our November 'Baubles, Veils and Cocktails' Event featuring A q u i n n a h Jewelry.


Our entire selection of accessories (including belts, sashes, shoes, veils, hand bags and jewels) will be offered at a 10% discount on the night of November 14th from 5-8PM ONLY! The evening is made extra-special by the attendance of our guest designer, Kelley Solomon, creator of A q u i n n a h Jewelry, our favorite local line. Aquinnah mixes found vintage pieces with new elements to create customizable, one-of-a-kind designs fit for bride, mother or maid. From bold statement necklaces to crystal pendents, A q u i n n a h has something for everyone. aquinnah aq   Let Kelley help you customize your wedding day jewels and receive a 10% discount in the process! For more inspiration prior to the event, check out A q u i n n a h's website here.   Ring us at 860.669.4596 to book your spot!  

xoxo, TWD