Our latest ad

Our latest ad

Our latest ad. Mobile Image

Jun 24, 2011

We are in love with our latest ad currently being featured in Brides Connecticut and Connecticut Bride. It  was shot by Carla Ten Eyck in the Costa Rican rain forest.  We shot this image last November at a glorious Horse Farm called Finca Caballo Loco , surrounded by lush rolling hills of tobacco fields.  The shoot was a collaboration between ourselves, Carla, Candice Coppola of Jubilee Events, Datura: a modern garden, DD Nickel, Vintage Cinema and Stay in Costa Rica.  The gown featured is "Ebony" by Modern Trousseau and the earrings are by Tejani. The ad shot was staged at the bottom of a gully in the middle of the rain forest.  The bride was laying on an enormous vine that was suspended over a stream.  It was quite a feat getting her in place. Here are a few behind the scene image of us styling this shot!  Footnote: these are not professional pics, they are taken by my loving husband. On the left Carla's assistant Dodi and I try to keep the model's gown from getting muddy.  On the right, Beth is trying to assist the model onto the vine.  Even the 'groom' was helping! This photo shows the behind the scenes of how many people it takes to get one great shot! The rest of the images from this shoot are absolutely break-taking!  They  are currently being considered for publication, so you will have to stay tuned until they are published!  How is that for a tease?!

xoxo, TWD