Who says you can't wear white after Labor Day?

Who says you can't wear white after Labor Day?

Who says you can't wear white after Labor Day?. Mobile Image

Sep 01, 2011

Image by Carla Ten Eyck, beauty by Dana Bartone, bouquet by Datura: a modern garden

It is so hard to believe that summer has passed and in just a few short weeks the leaves will be turning and the cool air will be blowing in.  As much as we will miss the beach, the warmth and high-heeled sandals, there are so many things to look forward to for Fall!   Cashmere sweaters, high-heeled boots, tweed trousers, warm apple cider and the glorious burnt orange, yellow and red of the foliage like in this image from our Tyrone Farm inspiration shoot.  What is inspiring you for the fall season?  Tell us...we can't wait to hear!  

 Oh, and PS...we love all shades of white all year round! 

xoxo, TWD